Some woman may become anxious because of their shorter menstrual periods. A normal menstrual cycle happens once every twenty-eight days. But some women many even have their periods once twenty-one days. Most periods last for three to five days every month or for some women, it may even extend for seven days. This is normal. However, if you find that your period days are getting shorter for instance if it comes for only two or three days everything month then you may begin to wonder.
For ovulating women, it can be a sign of pregnancy but for others, it can happen because of some other causes. Sometimes taking birth control medicines or are going through lifestyle changes can also affect periods and make it short. That is why you have to understand your body to know the cause. Here are some of the points that will help you make self-examination.
1. Breastfeeding
If you are a lactating female, then it can shorten your periods. There is a prolactin hormone in the body that aids in making breast milk. This hormone also disrupts the period flow. Therefore, most of the women may get their periods nine to eighteen months after the birth of the baby.
2. Stress
If you are stressing because of work or other problems, then it can affect your health and thereby your menstrual cycle. It can shorten the length of your periods. Some women may not even get their periods for many months. So try to lessen the stress to maintain menstrual health. You can try exercising to calm down your body. Also, have good sleep.
3. Thyroid disease
Most women stop getting their periods because of the formation of thyroid hormone. This hormone plays a vital role in menstrual health. If your body does not make the right amount of this hormone than the period cycle will become shorter and shorter every month.
4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
This condition is the name given when your body produces more male hormones than female. This hormonal imbalance can lead to shorter periods. Today many women are suffering from this condition. Some of the symptoms of this condition are fatigue, lot of facial air, deep voice, infertility and mood swings.
5. Age
Some women going through puberty may have irregular periods in the beginning and it is quite normal. Their body is adapting to the change so it may take time. So periods may be shorter in this age. The other phase of life where period will be short is during the peri-menopause which is before menopause. For some women, it can happen in their thirties and forties so the menstrual cycle may become shorter.
6. Miscarriage
Some women may not know that they are having miscarriage thinking that it is menstrual blood. The bleeding may be heavy or light depending on the pregnancy. If you suffer pain in the back or pelvis then quickly consult the doctor to know the reasons for this short blood flow.
These are the reasons for short menstrual periods. If it is continuing then consult a doctor to take care of the issue. Early measures can make your menstrual cycle normal again.
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