All these past months, everybody was at home, so were you and your partner. Although staying at home is fun, too much of it might turn your routine monotonous. Travel is opening up around the world. Even some countries are paying incentives to tourists for giving a boost to the travel industry. After a long time, lockdown, it’ll be wise to go on a travel date with your partner to break the monotony. Don’t know why you should go? Well, here are the top eight reasons why you should travel with your partner.
1. Better Than Traveling Alone

You must have heard the famous quote by Laura Moncur – travel only with thy equals or the betters; if there are none, go alone. So why should you travel alone when you have an engaging and supportive partner? You don’t have to worry about getting your handbag or rucksack lost or misplaced or, in the worst case, looted before you go to the washroom. In case of a mishap, like you lose something or miss your flight, you don’t have to face the situation alone as it will be equal for you two, and eventually, it will lighten up.
You don’t have to rely upon others to get a beautiful photo of yourself or place the tripod with the timer on! Your partner will be your personal-photographer all this time. Get the best roof rack accessories, service your car, and be ready for the road trip of your lifetime.
2. Improves Relationship Quality – Mentally and Physically

You both may be working professionals and rarely get time for each other, so this is the time to make up for all the loss. A robust mental trust is as important as good physical intimacy for a relationship to last longer. It’s a fact that couples with a good sex life tend to have a happy and satisfying relationship. The stress-free and adventurous treat you give to your relationship will bring you closer to each other. Don’t forget to enjoy your evenings with a glass of wine by your side.
Emotionally, a person’s actual attitude reveals when they are with you for a longer time. So if you are in a new relationship, you may discover some unseen side of your partner. A trip will be a great chance to assess how they’ll treat you in the future.
3. A Great Way to Know Each Other Better

Not sure whether your partner is actually into the relationship? Was the workload on your partner the real reason for ignoring you, or was it their character? A travel-date will answer all these questions subtly. Once your partner is out of their comfort zone, you will discover your partner’s real character.
You can improve the long lost communication you had and know what your partner feels about this relationship. From booking tickets to deciding a place to dine in an unknown place, you will know whether your partner can arrange an event. You can ask about your partner’s childhood experiences, what they loved the most, and vice versa.
4. Create Enduring Memories

It doesn’t matter where you are going. It’s whom you have beside you? Let it be the photo in which your partner is making funny faces or the one in which he or she is looking adorable, the two files that you’ll take will be something you can treasure all your life. That crazy laugh at your attempt to talk in the local language will get imprinted in your memory.
You can make surprising discoveries about your partner while traveling – your partner could be a good dancer, but little did you know about this hidden talent.
5. The Opportunity of Doing Things Together

What can be more fun than riding the roller-coaster or sky-diving or even the breathtaking bungy jumping with your partner on your side? Ordered a completely unknown dish in a different country? You have your partner to laugh at you if it tastes horrible. You can fully utilize this opportunity to sing on the roads together, eat, dance, laugh together, try any new adventurous ride, and even introspect together.
6. Take The Relationship to Another Level

Didn’t get the chance to ask your partner to marry you? Or didn’t you know how to prepare for a proposal? After spending all this time together during this travel-date, your partner will be in a pleasant and relaxed mood, which can be the perfect time to ask out if they are ready to spend the whole life with you. You may even become sure of moving-in with your partner if not marry.
7. Hassle-free travel

They say two heads are better than one. This proverb is pretty much right when you travel with your partner. You alone don’t have to worry about getting late for the train or flight, missing the bus, misplacing the tickets, not finding the hotel, and whatnot. In all the uncertainties of your travel experience, you have your partner to cheer you up every time, lighten up the situation, and even in reducing the probability of a mishap. You can take care of each other.
8. Save some money for the next trip

It is always recommended to save a few pennies when there is the scope and use them to try out a few more street foods. You can save some extra money while traveling with your partner. You’re staying cost and cab fare get halved. If you contact some good traveling agencies, they may have a huge collection of packages for couples, which is an additional benefit. Road trips are the best when you are tight on budget. You don’t have to stay in a hotel and can save even the cab charges.
Moreover, while packing, save some space in your bag by rolling the clothes for the extra pair of cameras you would need now and then to avoid missing those moments that you will cherish for your life.
So? Are you already planning for a trip after this COVID-19 situation with your partner? For people in LDR, after staying apart for such a long time, it is high time that you unite back with and be with your partner to make up for all the loss. Make sure to carry a proper face mask, and equip alcoholic sanitizers wherever you go.