Little flies are bothersome because they flutter around, land on food, and generally make people unhappy. They might also be a source of curiosity for certain people and even nourishment for others.
You can try several efficient techniques, whether you want to catch flies for food or just get rid of them. In this article, we will explain and mention a few helpful tips and tricks that’ll help you know how to catch flies effectively.
Using Fly Traps To Catch Flies

The first method how to catch flies is using fly traps:
1. Use A Plastic Bottle To Create A Trap
Use a basic plastic water bottle to create one of the most efficient homemade fly traps.
- Cut off the top 1⁄4 bottle by piercing the plastic with scissors after unscrewing and removing the cap.
- Add a few drops of blue food coloring and a quarter cup (60 mL) each of sugar and water to the bottom of the bottle. The blue color aids fly attraction. However, flies will be drawn to any color or no colors as long as they are not yellow. Only the color yellow is known to keep flies away. If you like, you can also draw flies with a little water, dish soap, and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.
- Turn the top 1⁄4 of the bottle upside down and place it on top of the remaining portion to create a funnel. The flies can crawl into the bottle, but they will struggle considerably more to get out.
- Wait for the flies to congregate inside the bottle after setting up the fly trap in a sunny area where flies congregate.
2. Use A Plastic Wrap And Glass Jar To Create A Trap
You may create another homemade fly trap with some plastic wrap and a glass jar if you don’t have any plastic bottles.
- Take a glass jar and almost fill it with sugar water or a mixture of sugar and apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap.
- Seal the glass jar’s opening with a square of plastic wrap. If it seems loose, use a rubber band to fix it.
- Make a tiny hole in the center of the plastic wrap using a pen or scissors. The fly can enter the jar as a result, but once it does, the liquid will drown it.
- Set up your trap outside, in the sun, or in an area where you frequently observe flies.
3. Use Flypaper
Sticky material called “flypaper” can be hung around your house to quickly and easily catch flies.
- Flies are drawn to and stuck to the paper by a delicious, gooey substance that is coated on it. Although Flypaper may be unpleasant in the home, it is a very efficient way to catch flies.
4. Make Your Flypaper To Catch Flies
You can purchase Flypaper at most home renovation stores, but you can also manufacture your non-toxic version with sugar, brown bag, and maple syrup:
- The stripes of the brown paper bag should be one inch broad.
- You can make each strip into a loop by making a small hole at the top with a pen and threading some string or twine through it.
- Combine 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of white sugar, 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of brown sugar, and half a cup (120 mL) of maple syrup in a large skillet or basin.
- Place the paper strips in the liquid, cover, and let soak for several or a night.
- After removing the strips from the mixture, hold them over a sink until the dripping stops. Then hang them anywhere you have a fly problem, whether it be indoors, outdoors, or both.
Using Your Hands To Catch Flies
1. Cup Your Hand
Putting your dominant hand into a cup shape is the first step in catching a fly.
- Spend some time practicing fast pressing your fingertips against your hand’s heel.
- The fly will be trapped here. Make sure to leave a hollow area inside.
2. Hold Off Until The Fly Lands
The ideal time to catch a fly with your bare hands is when it lands on a flat surface, such as a tabletop or counter.
- Approach the fly gently.
- It is simpler to anticipate the fly’s motions if you wait until it lands on a solid surface.
- To avoid knocking anything over while trying to collect flies, make sure the surface is clear of debris.
3. Over The Fly, Wave Your Cupped Palm
Once the fly has landed, raise your cupped palm a few inches above the fly while closing it as you wave your hand, just as you practiced.
- The fly will become frightened when it notices your hand moving, fly straight up into your cupped hand, and land there.
- Close your palm swiftly to enclose the fly as soon as it lands there. You can now release the fly outside, put it in a container for observation, or feed it to a pet.
Using A Cup To Catch Flies
Now, last but not least, here’s another method that’ll help you all know how to catch flies.
1. Gather Your Materials
You will need a cup, preferably one made of clear plastic so you can see inside and it won’t break, along with some paper or a big index card to trap a fly using this technique.
2. Observe The Fly As It Lands
Once the fly has landed on a solid area, like a countertop, or window pane, it will be much simpler to grab it.
- Approach the fly gradually. Any abrupt movements could trigger the fly, and you would then have to wait for it to land again.
3. Place The Cup Over The Fly
Immediately when the fly lands, cover it with the cup, so it gets trapped within. Observe it till it lands again if you miss it.
4. Slide The Paper Into The Cup’s Bottom To Catch Flies
When the fly is inside the cup, the challenge is to lift the cup off the flat surface without allowing the fly to escape. This issue can be resolved using a sheet of paper or a sizable index card.
- When slipping your paper under the cup, make sure you do it with the cup still near the table. The fly might escape if you leave a sizable space.
Summing Up
Are you worried about how to catch flies? Well, we hope now we made it much clearer for you in this article. We mentioned a complete step-by-step guide on how to catch flies. So, read it for more information!
Also read: 4 Tips for Flying with Your Dog