Healthcare is a natural gift. Herbs were used at all times to create numerous treatments. However, Ayurveda is much more than just herbal home remedies, it is a complex and comprehensive guidance into the world of herbs and natural lifestyle. Ayurveda began in India over five thousand years ago. It cured billions of people in world history. With the rise of modern medicine, Ayurveda evolved too, it observed the best from the developments but remained loyal to its roots.
Right now, Ayurveda services are not about ancient practices, they evolved along with us, making sure they keep us healthy as modern humans. Using the history of Ayurveda and modern ways of recognizing and treating disease, doctors bring balance to your body.
Natural medicine
Main treatments come from diet and medical herbs. Diet is mainly vegetarian (but that is not necessary for some people), still often you are advised to decrease intake of red meat and processed ingredients.
Another thing is medical herbs. Modern medicine has a lot of harmful effects, they suppress your body’s natural capacity. The production of such medicine also includes a lot of chemicals being released. Ayurveda doesn’t have such disadvantages. Herbs are being raised and gathered by hand and their harm comes to zero when you take them under supervision.

Ayurveda is truly about saving nature. The main ideology is a balance between humans and nature. It supports the idea that the environment heals humans just as humans can heal the environment.
Ayurveda guide
Ayurveda is based on the three main directions of support. It supports your body, your mind, and your spirit. Fundamental concepts of ayurvedic treatment are understanding your Prakriti (Your Type), Desha (Your Space), and dosha (Your balance).
1. Prakriti
Prakriti is your inborn characteristic. It defines your dosha dominance, your body, and your mind. Can be majorly affected only in the forming stage, and highly depends on the Prakriti of your parents, although it’s still pretty unique.
Sources of Prakriti:
- each parent’s Dosha dominance;
- parents’ health;
- quality of parents gamete;
- mothers diet.
Those are the main factors impacting your Dosha. Despite the impacts of age, time, and seasons, the core Prakriti stays constant. So when you are trying to balance your body. Your main goal is to balance your Dosha.
2. Tridosha
Talking about dosha you’ll have to understand that changing your Prakriti (innate nature) is nearly impossible. On the other hand, improving your dosha balance is more than achievable. When tridosha is in harmony, it promotes wellness and yields illness when out of balance. Kapha, Pitta, and Vata are three types of doshas. More in-depth about each one of them.
- Vata – Force of Akasha (Ether) and Vayu (Wind) elements. This Dosha is responsible for muscular mobility, nerves, and so on.
- Pitta – Force of Agni(Fire) and Jala (Water). Pitta comes with metabolism and digestion. All types of metabolism, including microcellular.
- Kapha – Force of Prithvi (Earth) and Jala (Water) elements. Structure and structural growth is the main role of this Dosha. Your Prakriti determines your Dosha. They can create illnesses at any time in your daily life and are linked to all life’s phases.
The Perfect Balance of Tridosha
People rarely have the perfect natural balance of the three elements, but those who do, their bodies are balanced and disease-free.
Imbalance of the Tridosha
It is quite difficult to maintain your health when doshas are generally out of balance. People whose doshas are out of balance are always afflicted by one sickness or another, achieving health is tough even with a strict diet and exercise.
Dosha Dominance
Doshas are unique for each one of us. The imbalance can cause several problems. Every dosha has its weaknesses. There can be obvious or not instantly visible dominances in you.
Pure dominance:
- Vata – Back pain, joint pains, and cracking joints are all symptoms of a Vata Prakriti individual;
- Pitta – A person with a pitta Prakriti is said to be more susceptible to stomach ulcers, hypertension, and skin problems.
- Kapha – Being overweight, diabetes and atherosclerosis are common in people with Kapha Prakriti;
Other types include mixes and combinations of each dosha:

- Vata-Pitta – They are quick and competitive, yet they frequently lose energy as a result of burnout;
- Pitta-Kapha – They reap the benefits of pitta’s ambition and Kapha’s patience;
- Kapha-Vata – They are excellent psychologists because they are aware of human emotion, empathic, and kind.
Although the perfectly accurate analysis can only be given by an Ayurvedic doctor, this still makes a lot of sense. As we know, every human has a unique mindset. Maybe you noticed how sometimes body type represents the psychological pattern of a person.
Also read: Ginger: An Ayurvedic Superfood Present in Every Kitchen
Desha is a word that signifies “location” or “home.” Desha is made up of land and the patient’s anatomy. Affecting all spheres of our lives, it dictates how we should live. Desha is as critical as dosha or Prakriti.
Ayurvedic doctor looks at 2 parts of your Desha:
- geographical
- anatomical
It is important to study your environment from an Ayurveda point of view. Understand possible diseases and resentments that are common in your area. This is your background check.
It is also important to know where an individual was born, current place of living, travel information, diet and food habits. The info about habitat: from the general mindset of the local people to their genetic features.
The second part is an examination of the patient’s psychic and mental state.
This is described in the dosha paragraph. Keep your desha pure and favorable to you with a consultant from Alveda.

Ayurveda vs Modern medicine
What is better – Ayurvedic medicine or allopathy medicine? When you come to a doctor for ayurvedic cure or allopathic pill, you expect treatment that brings results. Ayurvedic doctors will provide not only the cure but also the possible causes of the disease.
The difference in the approach
When you choose allopathy you come to the examination room, talk about your health history just so that doctors know what drugs not to give you. When needed you can go for a test, receive two or three meds, take them and wait for the effect. Allopathy involves inspecting your body, searching for any symptoms, and curing those symptoms without checking your whole body.
Ayurveda online consultation is a holistic experience that will leave you with not just an effective treatment but also clarity about your condition. Your Ayurvedic doctor will understand your Dosha, Desha, Prakriti in all their complexity, like we discussed above. Then he or she will find the spot of imbalance in your body and will assign diet and medical herbs for you.
Direct comparison
Ayurveda and allopathy are not contradictory at all! They are different, but combining them can help your health significantly. Just imagine that you have a lot of different issues with junk food, obesity, etc. Allopathy doesn’t have different approaches for that, but Ayurveda analyzes all of the aspects and delivers the best result specially for you.
Let’s try to compare each approach in a more in-depth way:
- Place – The place is very important, Alveda doesn’t want you to be nervous. Cozy home with online consultation is your choice.
- Approach – Checking background, dosha, desha, etc. The biggest difference between Ayurveda and other healing systems.
- Treatment – Meditation, following a recommended diet, herbs.
- Price – Reasonable and fair. First visit will give you a lot of insight, and then you can take a subscription.
- The Best Part – Healing and balancing body and spirit. Add meditation and different exercises, and you will get your body fit.
As you see, Ayurveda doesn’t compete with Alooparthy, it has a niche of its own. Ayurveda is all about treating the root of diseases and balancing general health and allopathy is more about treating symptoms.
The affordability of the price is an important factor, even when it comes to our health, we usually are not ready to give away all of our salary. Consider Alveda as a good example of ayurvedic services.

Prices are affordable – you can pay 10 dollars for every Alveda online consultation separately.
Or you can save on choosing from the subscriptions and packages:
- Alveda+ – This subscription will cost you just $15. You get 40 minutes of ayurvedic consultation monthly, and 3 additional questions on the chat.
- Alveda premium – Cost starts from $25. Including 60 minutes of online consultation and 5 questions on the chat.
- Alveda family – Biggest and most profitable subscription. For $40 you get 120 minutes for every family member freely. As a bonus, you also have 7 questions.
Let’s just say that allopathy is much more expensive, especially when you have something unexpected. Ayurveda won’t let something unexpected happen. You can discover more about payment and subscriptions on Alveda’s official site.
So, let’s wrap it up. Why is Ayurveda not only amazing in itself, but is also a very reasonable and logical alternative to allopathy?
Well, Ayurveda doesn’t deny allopathy, it’s merging with it to be more productive and effective. Yes, Ayurveda is not about quick fixes, it’s about long-term solutions. It’s about balance inside you, about the harmony between your physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Ayurveda is a way of life, when you follow it – you are not afraid of sickness, you prevent it.
Ayurvedic doctors analyze your body and mind in the same way that allopathic doctors do, and then they also think about the link between all the aspects of your health. You don’t need to leave other methods of treatment for Ayurveda to prove its effectiveness. It’s already proven to be consistent, precise, and serious. It’s just all about natural life.
Also read: Triphala: What is it, Health Benefits and Side Effects