It is easy to think of men’s exercises for advanced and experienced men as a combination of two or more men’s exercises that are performed in parallel with power and other exercises. Since it is a bare-handed exercise, we introduce a complex exercise of the exercise + kegel exercise that you can do with your own body.
In this male exercise power, you can think of it as a combination exercise that combines jelq, which corresponds to bare-handed gymnastics, and kegel exercise (PC, BC Pelvic Floor Muscles, pelvic floor muscles).
What is Kegel Exercise?
Pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercise is an exercise method that tightens and loosens the pelvis as an exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and tissues.
To begin Kegel exercises, men need to know the exact location of the pelvic floor muscles. To accurately detect the position of these pelvic mechanisms, if you stop urination during urination, you will find that the muscles that control urination are contracted. That muscle is the pelvic floor muscle. (You can also do it lying down, as shown in the picture below)
After confirming the correct position of the pelvic floor muscles, you can do Kegel exercises in any position.
The method of Kekel exercise should be applied only to the correct pelvic floor muscles. Contract and relax the muscles in this area for at least 3 minutes. Do it at least 3 times a day.
The benefits of this Kegel exercise should not be overlooked, especially the thighs, buttocks, or abdominal muscles. This exercise is great for women and men. Vidalista is effective for male erectile dysfunction and provides stronger orgasm than before. When a man performs this exercise, it is a natural way to improve the pelvic floor muscles strongly and arbitrarily control the physical organs and internal organs there. Kegel exercise and the male enlargement exercise are closely related to improving the physical satisfaction of the meditator.
It seems like a very complicated and difficult yoga posture… If you exercise like this, it’s a posture that almost doesn’t work and makes you give up.
Useful exercise tips
If you do not know the position of the pelvic floor muscles properly, imagine as if you had inserted a straw into your anus while lying down as relaxed as possible. Feel the natural tension in the muscles of the perineum. By tightening and loosening the muscles in this part, it can be a very effective physical muscle strengthening exercise.
If you want to immediately feel the pelvic floor muscles because you are not sitting on a chair in the office or at home, you can easily find out if you use Vin-Bacchus disease.
Power Kegel Exercise

After a warm-up, re-lubricate your hands (coconut oil) so that you can jelk non-stop. At the intermediate level of jelqing, you should allow your hand to slide from the root of the desire to the glans for about 1 second. Super P Force can help improve physical health.
If you go to the expert level, Power Jelk increases the duration of the squeeze time to 3 to 5 seconds. It does not necessarily mean that the time is maintained for 3-5 seconds, but it means that you should milk slowly as much as that. And every 10 jelqs, tighten the pelvic muscles with Kegel strongly to supply blood to the body. For the 10th time, while strongly tightening the sphincter, do a power gelk simultaneously. If this is difficult, do Kegels sequentially. You can create and apply a male routine according to your physical characteristics.
The following is a routine sequence of power;
Step 1: As a warm-up, hot wrap for 5 to 10 minutes
Step 2: Erect the perform general gelk for 15 minutes. This process relaxes and expands the erectile tissue of the is a warm-up exercise for the power gel.
Stage 3: 1 minute of intense sphincter tightening exercise to supply more blood to the desire. When you feel the genitals nodding and expanding, slowly slide and squeeze from the root of the male genitalia to the glans line with an OK grip for 3 to 5 seconds.
My glans tingles when I do power jelqs. This is a state in which the blood storage space of the glans expands with the power gel, and lymph and blood rush to the glans and expand.
Step 4: Do 1 intense Kegel exercise every 10 power gelk. (10 power gels + 1 sphincter = 30-40 seconds) x 10 x 5 sets, 4-5 reps per week.
Perform the above exercise routine for 20 to 30 minutes. When the 20-30 minute power gel is completed, it becomes exhausted and droops like a dog’s tongue. After a hard workout, relax the desire with a hot wrap and massage gently for 5 minutes.
The men’s workout routine described above is not an absolute standard. Once you have set the minute general rval (duration) for holding the number and length of kegel freely, you can set up your exercise routine and Cenforce 100 and Vidalista 60 can help improve men’s health.
At the advanced level, there is no textbook or justification that you must do this because the state of your body and the passion for exercise is different for each person. The ultimate answer is constant habituation and daily living. If the desire Enlargement Exercise becomes a habit in the body for a long time, it is a learning process in which each individual finds their exercise routine that can achieve more effective and optimal expansion and growth.
As the years of the men’s movement pass, he grows into a healthy and strong man and eventually becomes a man loved in bed.
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