MDD (major depressive disorder), more ordinarily referred to as depression, is one of the most common mental health illnesses, and thankfully (although not before time), such emotional issues are now more readily discussed and have become far less ‘taboo’. If you have recently been wondering whether you have depression or are conducting research online into the illness on behalf of a family member or friend, then getting to know the more common signs and symptoms of major depressive disorder can only be a good thing.
You Never Enjoy Anything Anymore
Firstly, if someone who is suffering from depression could summarise how they feel when they are at their lowest, it would be that there is a complete lack of enjoyment in their life.
Even activities they used to absolutely adore now seem empty and void of all meaning, and this existential way of thinking, meaning you cannot see the point in anything, is a red flag when it comes to signs and symptoms of depression.
You Have Started to Isolate Yourself
If depression were a tangible, living being, it would be an entity whose end goal would be to isolate yourself completely on a permanent basis.
On the journey to achieving its ultimate goal, when you are losing the fight against depression, you will find yourself cancelling plans with friends you have had since school, declining invitations to meals and parties and even, when you are suffering badly, not answering text messages and phone calls.
Isolation is one of the most worrying symptoms of depression, and if this resonates with you and you are feeling this way, make sure you book an appointment with your GP as soon as you can.
You are Unable to Feel Motivated to Do Anything
Another telltale sign that you may well be experiencing a period of low mood and even depression is that, unlike in the past, when you wake up in the morning ready to start another day, you simply do not have the motivation to get out of bed, let alone go to work.
Should your GP deem it appropriate, you may well be advised to start a course of antidepressants.
In the United Kingdom, the highest dosage of sertraline (the most common antidepressant prescribed by GPs) is 200mg, but if you decide to start a course of SSRIs, you will be started on 50mg a day. Chemist Click is a prestigious and reputable online pharmacy that can arrange for your antidepressants to be delivered to your door every month.
You Stop Looking After Your Appearance
More noticeable in people who usually wear a full face of make-up, well-fitting clothes and hold themselves tall, depression can also cause a complete lack of interest in personal appearance and, in more severe cases, personal hygiene.
Not only can this lack of interest negatively affect your physical health, but it also does nothing but worsen how you are feeling emotionally, and again, it is strongly advised that you make an appointment with your doctor if you are experiencing this.
Also read: Eight Things You Need to Know About Genetic Disorders