As individuals, we’re beginning to recognize how air quality can truly affect our lives. With masks and social distancing reducing the chance of inhaling contaminants when out in public, what’s become more evident is that these same standards must now be brought into our homes as well ensuring a healthier living environment for all.
With recent media coverage highlighting the need for improved air quality, home air purifiers have entered into the spotlight. Their popularity has skyrocketed and sales are surging as more people recognize their potential to add an extra layer of protection against airborne pollutants in our homes.
Finding the right air purifier for your home can be a difficult task, making it crucial to research available products and options. With appropriate consideration of factors such as price point, filter type, and size requirements you’ll find yourself well on your way towards choosing an effective appliance for improving indoor air quality.
And so we spoke with some health experts to get their thoughts and suggestions. Here’s an informative look at what you need to know about air purifiers, including what they do and what to look for when buying one for your home. If you want to afford an expensive cleaner for your home, you can choose a personal purifier like shield aer.
What’s an air purifier?
Air purifiers are essential for keeping the air we breathe free of toxins. By neutralizing airborne substances before they enter our bodies through inhalation, these devices ensure a healthier living environment helping us all take one more step towards safeguarding optimum health.
Your lungs face a relentless attack from airborne irritants such as gasses, viruses, fungi and toxic pathogens. Add to these mix pollen particles, dust mites and even cigarette smoke for an arsenal of challenging contaminants that must be contended with.
Before we get any deeper into this, it’s worth noting the subtle difference between air filtration and air purification. Air filtration removes pollutants from the atmosphere, and air purification sanitizes the air both allowing improvement in the quality of air we breathe,
Maintaining a healthy, purified air supply in your home or business requires an effective HVAC system with functional air filters. The diverse range of options available can make it difficult to choose the best approach: differing costs, efficiency levels and durability are important factors when selecting compatible components for your specific environment.
In comparison to air filters, which must be regularly changed or cleaned for optimum filtration performance, air purifiers are an enticing option. Separate units that you can install in your home may make all the difference; they offer not only improved filtration power but also the ability to actually purify surrounding airspace with their advanced technology.
Are You Wondering What Varieties of Air Purifiers are Available To Purchase?
Those in need of major relief from allergies and other airborne irritants may benefit greatly from whole-house air purifiers. With their advanced filtration systems, these solutions provide a powerful layer of protection that can offer profound peace of mind. Portable air purifiers are also available for those looking for an easier option to help improve their indoor environment.
According to Kevin Stewart, Director of Environmental Health at the American Lung Association (ALA), you can create a “safe haven” in your home by investing in an effective portable air purifier. Depending on individual needs, this may be all that is necessary for ensuring clean and healthy air quality indoors.
Healthy breathing is essential for good health, and a professionally installed whole house air purification system can help. Consult an expert to ensure you select the highest quality product with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers’ MERV rating as your guide in making an informed decision.
Installing a portable system is made effortless; all you have to do is unbox it. But don’t be fooled, there’s more to consider than convenience. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers’ CADR rating should also come into play when making your decision.
Recognized as an indicator for air quality performance, the higher its number means faster removal of tobacco smoke, pollen and dust particles from any given environment.
Portable home air purifiers offer effective respiratory protection by utilizing a combination of sophisticated filtration processes. Pleated filters capture airborne particles to keep the atmosphere clean, while activated carbon traps odors and toxins for fresher smelling air.
Lastly, UV light sanitizers surfaces from germs and bacteria that can cause illness with regular maintenance required in order to optimize effectiveness.
HEPA filters offer superior protection against airborne particles, such as COVID-19, blocking more than 99% of contaminants that are 0.3 microns in size or greater. However UV light technology can also be used to create an additional layer of defense by directly damaging cellular and genetic material associated with air pollutants.
When Purchasing An Air Purifier, What Should You Keep in Mind?
When selecting an air filtration system, consider a model that employs activated carbon filters. These specialized components can be instrumental in capturing odors and toxins. Such as smoke particles before they enter the air to give you fresher, cleaner breathability without compromising on efficiency Activated Carbon Filters excel at absorbing small molecules but are not suitable for larger ones.
Shopping for a residential air purification system can be overwhelming. To maximize protection from airborne contaminants, look for models that offer three layers of defense: UV light, activated carbon filters and pleated HEPA filters.
Be sure to choose one with regularly replaceable components such as pleated treatments containing activated carbon so you’re always getting the best filtration possible.