The Hells Angels club is the most famous motorcycle organization in the world. They are formed in 1948, but they are now attracting problems, going against the law, and making all kinds of issues. In Canada and the United States, this program is much popular. Despite, the reputation of this program, it creates some troubles, as people are not sticking to the rules.
In this article, let us discuss the best Hells Angels rules that members should follow them.
Don’t Ask to Join
If you want to join this Hell Angels Club, you should not ask for joining. Coming to the rules of the joining process, there will be no formal procedure, no application form, etc. If you want to join this club, and if you ask to join, you will get an answer which you can’t understand.
The best option to join this club is to make friends who are already a member of this club. After making them friends, you can enter this club easily. On the website, it is mentioned, if you ask to join, you will probably not understand the answer that you get from them.
Don’t Discuss Absent Friends
It goes different in whatever happens in Hells Angels’ meet-ups. If you have some gossip about any of your members, you can simply leave them. There is no use in discussing gossip with other members, as members of Hells Angels are usually silent. They will maintain a vow of silence and they will not even discuss those who are absent on that particular day.
So, if someone missed the meetups, don’t breathe anything about such a member to others. Because they will not listen to you for sure based on Hells Angels rules.
If One Member Gets Pulled Over, All Members Pull Over

Similar to the Musketeers, the Hells Angels also live by the motto. It is one for all, all for one motto. Whether they like other members or not they will stand for any members, who caught up with a problem. For instance, if one member is caught up with the police for the illegal or fast riding of a bike, others will stand for that member till he is out of the problem.
Some cops even think to catch these members, as they knew the power of hell angels badge. So, when one member gets pulled over, the rest of their members would also pull over.
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Don’t Do Drugs
The Hells Angels didn’t maintain any reputation of following any rules or being clean at their work. They caused so many troubles throughout history. But the surprising face about this hells angels club is that they are not using drugs. When you consider other motorcycle club gangs, they do drug trading. But with the Hells Angels, there is no such problem when it comes to illegal business such as selling drugs.
Members are strictly not allowed to use or sell drugs in this hell angels club. If someone is caught with the drug, probably that will be the last day for that person in Hells Angels club.
Never Snitch on a Brother
According to some rumors, some people try to engage in some kinds of naughty activities, which others won’t expect. When this goes in the meet-ups, the rest of the members stay quiet. This looks different among hells angels, as generally if one does naughty things, others will respond like laughing or something else. But here, other members simply stay quiet about other members’ naughty things.
Don’t Link to the Website
In this article, you may find some links that will take you to some pages. But you will not find any other links to the Hells Angels’ official website. Why? The reason is that all are scared about this. The club will not handle anyone or members or others linking to this site without having written consent.
Don’t Talk to the Press
Most of the things that happen inside the club are not shared with any media. The club members are tight-lipped, as they refuse to share anything that happens inside the club with outsiders. In particular, they are strictly avoiding media to share things. This is to protect their image at the outsiders.
Members Always Ride in Formation

Most Hells Angels members have other regular jobs, homes, etc, but you will not know about them during meet-ups. Hells Angels always like to ride the bike as a group. Similarly, they are very clear in terms of clothes and other codes. They always do the right things to create some formation among their group.
One of the fearless people among the group led the Angels group. The next position will be the vice president and then, the road captain followed by the sergeant of arms. After this option will be the rest of the Angels members, who are looking for some position in the club.
Members Can’t be Police Officials
Most police officials wanted to become members of the Hells Angels to risk the reputation of the club. But the bad news is that the club doesn’t allow police officials to join as a member. The simple thing is that the club will not accept the police uniform and there are many things that the club will not accept similar to this.
Even prison guards are not eligible to join here. In addition to these people, rapists and child molesters are strictly banned here. So these members even took some steps to join this club, there is no chance at all to get into the Angels club.
Once You’re in, You’re in for Life
Once you enter the Hells Angels, there is no exit for you, lifelong. It means that once you become a member of it, you should forget about retiring or leaving the club. This is the main reason for making the joining process so intense. The club asks its members whether they are committed to staying with the club lifelong without stepping back after a few years.
The only way that you can go out of this club after joining it is by going against its rules. They will remove you by going against the Hells Angels’ rules but the consequences are bad too. Thus, plan in such a way that you stay as a member of Hells Angels for life.
Show up to Events
The Hells Angels do many things in addition to riding bikes. The club conducts many events and all of the members need to attend such events compulsorily. Unless you have a valid excuse, you can’t escape from such events.
Some of the excuses include members’ relatives or others’ death or some medical emergencies. All other excuses are considered to be serious disrespect. One main thing that you should not do to Hells Angels is showing disrespect.
Never ask Whether your Wife can Join
There is a reason for calling brotherhood in Hells Angels. Only men can become members of the club but women can play some role in the club respecting the Hells Angels rules. Also, never ask about joining your wife at the Hells Angels club.
Still, there are many more rules of Hells Angels available like never interrupting a meeting, using sacred vests, never planning to join a different club, etc. Read through this article to know the strict Hells Angels rules.
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