Kelly Cochran is currently in prison for killing and dismembering her boyfriend and her husband, but colleagues claim that she is a serial killer who has left a trail of even more dead victims. Cochran, the 13-year-old spouse, was killed by Kelly.
How would she make up for it? What was the simple question Kelly Cochran’s husband asked her after learning of her affair?
With the response, Jason Cochran was happy. If his 13-year-old wife had invited a lover over with the promise of sex only to let her jealous husband shoot the lover in the head, he would still forgive her.
Christopher Regan, Kelly Cochran’s workmate, and fling were fatally surprised. When Jason Cochran appeared from the shadows to shoot him dead at close range with a.22 rifle, he was in the middle of coitus. Later, Kelly Cochran handed her husband a buzz saw so she could cut him into pieces. Jason had no idea that he would be the next. In 2016, Kelly killed him with a heroin overdose to “balance the score” after growing bitter about the 2014 event. She claimed that Regan’s murder resulted from a deadly marital pact until flaws in her story resulted in her arrest. This is Kelly Cochran’s terrible story.
Kelly Cochran’s Fatal Union
Kelly and Jason Cochran were high school sweethearts who grew up close to one another in Merrillville, Indiana, where Kelly was born and raised. After Kelly Cochran graduated from high school in 2002, they were so in love that they married and promised never to cheat on each other.
After ten years of physically demanding jobs, Jason Cochran’s back finally gave up. The invoices kept coming due despite his wife’s best efforts, and the debt increased. In 2013, the couple fled the situation and moved to Caspian, Michigan, hoping that the legalization of marijuana might help Jason’s chronic pain.
Kelly Cochran First Met Christopher Regan

At a factory job making parts for Naval ships,
He was a Detroit native who had served in the Air Force, and despite having a 20-year age gap with Cochran, they grew close and fell in love. Regan also had an extramarital affair with Cochran while still dating Terri O’Donnell. On the day he passed away, they finally decided to apologize.
Regan planned to spend the night with Cochran on October 14, 2014, not realizing she had argued about him with her husband the night before. As her husband shot her lover in the head, Cochran invited him over and had sex with him knowing that it meant her lover would die. Then, power tools were heard by the neighbours. Ten days after O’Donnell had filed a missing person report for Regan, the Cochrans had already thrown his body parts in the woods. They had parked his car on the outskirts of town and had not seen the post-it note with the address on it. When police were more attentive, they discovered the suspects and the message inside the car.
When Police Visited Kelly and Jason Cochran
They discovered that Kelly was completely at ease and that Jason Cochran was uncomfortable. Later, they each had an individual question. Kelly acknowledged having an affair with Regan, but she said that she and her husband were in an open marriage. On the other hand, Jason seemed quite upset by her betrayal.
The FBI searched the Cochrans’ home in March 2015, which caused the terrified couple to flee for Hobart, Indiana, even though they had been able to hide all evidence of their crimes and the investigation had already been closed. On February 20, 2016, Cochran killed her husband. After that the couple’s suspicions became too strong.
The Capture of Kelly Cochran
Jason Cochran was not responsive when EMTs arrived at the Mississippi Street home, and Kelly reportedly caused a disturbance as they tried to revive him. Unaware that she intentionally overdosed him on his heroin fix and then smothered him for extra protection, the EMTs pronounced Cochran’s husband died of an overdose.

Days later, Cochran conducted a memorial ceremony while pawning off her possessions and posting online that it was “the toughest thing I will ever have to live with.” Without informing family members, she left Indiana on April 26. When the Hobart Medical Examiner discovered Jason had died of asphyxiation, she was declared a wanted person.
Serving A Life Sentence Plus 65 Years is Kelly Cochran
Authorities accused her of murder, home invasion, conspiracy to commit disinterment and mutilation of remains, hiding a person’s death, lying to a police officer, and accessory to murder after the fact with probable cause. Cochran made the mistake of communicating with police by text while on the run.
The murder weapon and Regan’s remains were finally pointed out to police by Cochran. To confuse detectives, she allegedly claimed to be hiding out on the West Coast in her texts. The U.S. Marshals captured her on April 29 in Wingo, Kentucky, after they tracked her phone there.
Her intention to kill Jason rather than Chris was exposed during Kelly Cochran’s trial. She said that she still hated him and that it was revenge since she believed he had destroyed “the only nice thing I had in my life.” I balanced the score. In April 2018, she received an additional 65 years for killing her husband while serving a life sentence for Regan’s death.
In the above post, we told you the full story of the serial killer Kelly Cochran. How she murdered her husband and how she became a serial killer here is the full story. Stay tuned for more such intriguing posts!
Also read: The Murder of Jolee Callan: 18-Year-Old Girl Killed By her Ex Boyfriend