Social media – and TikTok in particular – has been responsible for making millions of us everyday folks into stars. In this brave new world, anyone can find fame and followers via viral video posts: you no longer need to be a singer, actor, or another type of celeb to build up a huge audience and access all the advantages that come with it.
Hence, the rise of the eye doctor stars, who are making their mark on TikTok and racking up hundreds of thousands of followers in the process – as well as giving us all some pretty handy info on eye conditions and how to choose the right pair of glasses. Eye health has never been so glamorous!
Below, we’re going to take a look at a couple of today’s most popular TikTok eye docs and give you some tips for promoting good eye care.
The TikTok Eyecare Rising Stars
So who exactly are these stars of the eyecare world? Let’s start with Dr. Jennifer Tsai OD, who goes by the TikTok tag of drjenandjuice. Currently boasting a mammoth 164K followers and with her likes standing at nearly three million, this New York City-based eye doc has captured the collective TikTok imagination with her vibrant and engaging posts.
Dr. Jen posts about ‘all things eyes, skin care, female biz’ – and her vids have a distinctive glam appeal. As well as posts on her (very well put together) outfits, hair styling tips, and holidays, she’s also put up some very helpful content on subjects such as astigmatism, the easiest way to put in and remove contact lenses, and how to stop your glasses sliding down your nose. Nice.
Move over, Dr. Jen: it’s now time for Eye Doctor Mike! Self-proclaimed Optometrist by Day, TikToker by night, Dr. M Farr boasts 241K followers on his channel, and a huge 14.5 million likes to date. Eye Doctor Mike’s posts are so popular as they’re both informative and hilarious.
From the results of accidentally sleeping without taking out your contact lenses to an exploration of whether we all see the same colors to eye freckles, if it’s about eye care, Dr. Mike’s going to cover it.
The Benefit of TikTok Eye Docs
There’s something fascinating about seeing ‘behind the curtain’ of life as an eye care practitioner, and the entertainment value in this is no small part of the TikTok eye doc phenomenon. But there are more benefits to the rise of these particular social media stars than just that.
For example, their channels help to spread awareness and information about eyecare, particularly important in terms of eye conditions to look out for – some can be very hard to spot. They can also help alleviate the nerves that many people experience regarding a trip to the ophthalmologist or optometrist, partly by explaining the steps in an eye exam, what the patient can expect, and why these checks are so important.
Plus, the info that TikTok eye docs provide, such as hints to help contact lenses stay as comfortable as possible throughout the day or – as above – ways to stop spectacles slipping down your nose, can result in our making the sort of little changes that can add up to a big deal in the quality of our daily lives.
The Importance of Regular Eye Checks
However entertaining the posts of the TikTok eye docs are, this content should never replace a visit to an eye care practitioner, especially if you’re experiencing a problem. Getting your eyes regularly checked means that any prescription you need is up to date and that any eye health condition – such as glaucoma – can be identified and treated as necessary.
It’s recommended that you attend an eye exam with an ophthalmologist or optometrist every two years. If you’re over the age of forty, have diabetes, or have a family history of glaucoma, you’ll need to go at more regular intervals.
Promoting Good Eye Health
As well as attending regular eye checks, there are plenty of other things you can do to keep your eyes functioning optimally. Protecting your eyes from the sun is an important way of safeguarding your vision into the future. Choose a pair of sunglasses that block out at least 99% of UVA and UVB rays for the best protection.
Stopping smoking is the very best thing you can do for your health in general. And when it comes to the eyes, smokers are at a higher risk of developing optic nerve damage, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
What we eat can also have a big impact on our eye health: opt for food that’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, vitamins C and E, and zinc, which could help to guard against age-related eye vision problems. And avoid binge drinking: it’s been linked to macular degeneration as well as terrible hangovers.
The eye docs of TikTok have put eye health firmly on the social agenda – check out their posts for some handy hacks on everything from how to clean your eyelashes to the best way to remove your contact lenses if you have super long nails. Thanks, Dr. Jen!
Also read: Did You Ever Think, Can Contacts Damage Your Eyes?