Owning a home means there are constantly things that need to be done. These can be large projects like remodelling the kitchen or simple maintenance, such as cutting the grass and clearing the gutters. It can seem like a never-ending list but at least the results are for your own benefit. When you put all this effort into looking after your home you don’t want to share it with uninvited guests. There are a variety of pests who will happily use your home and damage it in the process. The exact pests you’ll be dealing with depending on your location, it’s worth looking at pest control near me to help identify what pests you are likely to be facing.
The problem is that many pests operate in the shadows and move around at night, making it hard to confirm their presence. That’s why you need to be able to identify the signs of a pest infestation even if you never see a pest. Don’t forget, many pests carry diseases that you don’t want them to share with you.
1. Annual Inspection
You can find out more info here about your local pest control experts. It’s a good idea to get them to inspect your property at least once a year. They are trained to know what to look for and will be able to identify any pests you are facing, whether you know they are there or not. Once identified it is advisable to let the professionals eliminate them. Not only do they have the experience and equipment, but they also will offer guarantees and warranties to give you peace of mind. It’s the most effective way to eliminate a pest problem.
2. Noises
A big clue that you have a pest problem is strange noises. You’ll often hear a scuttling noise or perhaps the sound of shuffling in the walls. This indicates you have a pest living with you. In most cases, the noise will happen at dusk and dawn, the time many pests prefer to be moving around. It is also likely to be when your house goes quiet.
That means you can periodically turn all the lights off as though you are going to bed and then just listen. You may be surprised by what you hear. If you hear the pests you’ll still need to identify them to know the best treatment and extermination options.
3. Bites
It is unfortunately normal to get a few bites when you are sat outside every evening enjoying the sunshine. However, if you start getting bites in your home you may have an infestation. In many cases the bites will appear overnight, suggesting you may have a visit from bed bugs or fleas. If you can’t justify the number of bites you have then check your bed and any pets you have. Rust colored marks in your bed suggest bed bugs. Pets that are constantly scratching suggest fleas, you should be able to see them on your pets.
4. Dead Bugs
If you see a dead bug then it isn’t a threat to you. However, if there is one dead bug there is a high probability that there are more bugs. The greater the number of dead bugs the higher the likelihood of an infestation.
It’s a good idea to identify the dead bug, this will help you to understand what you are dealing with and how to verify if there are any more or not.
5. Traps
If you suspect that you have a pest infestation but haven’t seen them then you can place traps on the floor. Make sure you keep them out of the way of children and pets. The traps should be relevant for the pests you think you have and be on the route they are most likely to take.
Check the traps regularly to see if you have caught anything. This is a useful way of identifying the pest that is causing the infestation.
6. Unusual Smells
Many pests give off an odour, this is because of the droppings that are left everywhere or simply the odor they emit. If your house isn’t smelling as good as normal then you’ll want to check for pests. The presence of an odor means you probably have pests, if you can’t identify them then get the professionals to do it for you.
7. Physical Evidence
Many pests leave droppings as they move around, seeing these droppings tells you that you have a pest issue. Equally, you may find damaged furniture, soft furnishings, or even electrical wiring. These are all signs that you have a pest infestation, quite probably rodent based.
You’ll want to eliminate them as quickly as possible.
Don’t forget, termites cause wood to buckle and blister, they can also cause structural issues so pay particular attention to clues that suggest termites.
Other physical signs include scuff marks on your skirting. Most pests prefer to stay out of sight so will scurry around your home next to the skirting board. This helps them be invisible but also means they leave dirt and grease on the skirting, telling you they are there.
Final Thoughts
Pest infestations means you potentially have diseases in your home. They can also cause significant damage to your property. That’s why you need to be vigilant and take prompt action if you suspect an infestation. The faster it is dealt with the easier it is to eliminate.
If you have a suspicion that you have a pest infestation, don’t delay, call a pest control expert today.
Also read: How to Get Rid of Pincher Bug or Earwig Bug: Fact, Diet, lifespan?