Our bodies are like sponges, soaking up everything it encounters. That’s including nutrients, vitamins, and water. The body does not only pick up the good things but the bad as well, like toxins and bacteria. To keep our motor running we supply our bodies with those good nutrients and vitamins. Luckily, our body naturally produces some of these as well. Coq 10 is one of those natural substances the body creates, but it produces less over time.
This article will explain exactly what coq 10 is, and answer some of the questions you want most. Some of those include, how does coq 10 benefit me, and how much coq 10 should I take? This and a lot more will be covered, so sit back and take some notes.
What is COQ 10?
Coq 10 also known as coenzyme Q10, is a natural product the body creates that is stored in the mitochondria. The mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell and are tasked with producing energy for your entire body.
Another great fact about coq 10 is that it is an antioxidant, and protects the mitochondria from toxins and free radicals. This is a powerful antioxidant that can protect your muscles, heart, and your brain as well.
Antioxidants provide those free radicals with an extra electron, transforming them into stable atoms. Causing less damage and allowing the mitochondria to do their job. An important note is that our antioxidants do not destroy all the free radicals. They are important to attack viruses and toxins that are in the body as well.
Sources of COQ 10
You see how important coq 10 is, so you want to know how I can get this stuff. Well, only certain foods contain this ingredient but they are all available to you. No, unfortunately, it is not in junk food or your favorite cheat meal. There are some good choices to choose from though.
Coq 10 is in your oily fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines. There can also be some fatty fish, like trout and herring. If you are already on a strict diet, try throwing some of these fish into your rotation to receive your dosage of coq 10.
Another great source of coq 10 includes organ meats. This will include livers, hearts, and brains. These have the highest concentration of coq 10, but many will find it hard to put into their diet. People usually eat the organs of animals like goats, chickens, and cows.
If you are one of the people who refuse to eat organs, it is okay. There are also supplements that contain good amounts of coq 10. Those who have a balanced diet, do not have to find a supplement to use, but most do not. Our bodies demand nutrients and it is important to supply them or our bodies will not process the same.
Supplements are great for people who want those extra nutrients, but can’t fit them in through their daily meals. It is important to know that each supplement is different and can supply your body with numerous doses. Some supplements may require you to take more than 1200 mg of coq 10 a day while others only require 10 mg.
What are the Benefits of COQ 10?
We now know what coq 10 is and how we can get it, but what about the benefits of the natural substance? We previously discussed how coq 10 is good for mitochondrial health and how it protects it from free radicals. Coq 10 is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with migraines.
Migraines can cause the blood vessels in your head to swell, causing pain and nausea. The anti-inflammatory properties of coq 10 can help with that, considering you have the proper dosage. It is not guaranteed to work right away and may need time to build up the coq 10 in the body to be effective.
Another great benefit of coq 10 is optimum brain function. Coq 10 supports the mitochondria which are the main generator of brain cells. Healthy cells allow more blood flow through the body to get to our vital organs. Although as we get older, our coq 10 levels drop tremendously causing our bodies to be more susceptible to viruses, and diseases.
Each of our bodies is different so one person may not receive the same results as another. Many factors can alter what coq 10 can do for you. Age, health, and family history can all affect how certain foods or supplements react to your body.
Coq 10 should be a vital part of your new diet, there are many ways to incorporate it. You learned the positives that can come from taking coq 10 as well. Whether you are trying to increase your mitochondrial health or heard about how it can help your migraines. Or maybe it was the increase in brain function that got you on board. We also discussed where you can get your coq 10 from and how you can implement it into your diet. Are you going to eat that oily fish, or are you going to settle for the organ meats like liver, and hearts?
Maybe you want to take a supplement that can contain coq 10 and other nutrients vital to the body. You learned what coq 10 is and how much coq you should take. Hopefully, you came away with enough information to go out and implement coq 10 into your diet.
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