President JFK’s brain appears in the list of missing body parts of famous people. There are many individuals in history with missing body parts after their death. Beethoven, Einstein and many more popular people’s body parts are missing from their death. Where is JFK’s brain is one such mystery that remains unanswered. The President’s death is controversial the missing brains adds more fuel to it.
Since 1966 there are several investigations on the missing brain. However, there is no proper evidence for this mystery. John F Kennedy’s brain was in Arlington National Cemetery after his death. The controversial death of the late president raises questions among the public. Plus, the missing brain is sparking more rumours about his death. Let us see where is JFK’s brain and the mystery behind it.
The conspiracy behind John F Kennedy’s death
The conspiracy behind JFK’s death is terrifying. There are many mysteries behind his death that remains unsolved. It was 1963 when President Kennedy was travelling to a Texas hospital in his secure vehicle. The snipers knew about the high-security vehicle of so they decide to shoot him through the car roof. Further, attack was unexpected the bullet goes through the President’s Skull leaving him with a traumatic injury.
During the autopsy, experts found that the brain has damage due to two shootings on the skull. More than half of the brain of the president was severed. There was more to unveil the mystery behind his death and experts thought to study his brain. Plus, the doctors preserve the brain of John F Kennedy in a white jar for research.
Later, for more safety, team of doctors decides to put his brain in national archives. However, the most secure museum could not protect the remains of the late president. One day the brain suddenly goes missing creating more chaos about this mystery. Let us see more about the popular theories about the missing brain.
Probing into the missing brain of the late president

In the National Archives Jfk’s brain was in a secure room. Evelyn, the in-charge of the brain had several reports and documents about the brain. She alone had the access to the room and other confidential documents. In 1966 to the shock of officials the brain was missing with no evidence left behind. The investigators did not have any clue about its whereabouts.
Plus, the tissues, autopsy materials and other objects in the room went missing. After years of probing into this mystery, there were no leads for the investigators to follow. The missing brain of the president has sparked many rumours. Where is JFK’s brain is a question that remains unanswered.
Theories regarding vanishing JFK’s Brain
The memorial hospital reports that Jackie Kennedy with her husband’s brain. However, there is no further evidence or details about this report. The safe box of President Kennedy remained in the white house. It is JFK’s brother, Robert who orders the officials to transport the brain to national archives.
Many theorists say crucial details about the missing brain. They believe that the assassination involves a huge conspiracy. However, the missing brain has a different story. James Swanson a popular theorist says that Kennedy’s brother may have taken his brain. However, his motive may be pure.
With the late president, brain experts could retrieve crucial information. Further, it includes details about his health and much more. Before being shot Jfk’s was suffering from some illness. With the brain, experts could reveal his past medical history. Senator Robert did not want his brother’s details to be public.
An official report about the JFK’s Brain

For many decades the mystery about Jfk’s brain exists. Other Expert Swanson theory there are much more theories out there. Some of the theories relate the missing brain to his assassination. Experts suspect that the group that conspired to the president’s assassination could have taken the brain.
With the late president’s brain experts could get important evidence relating to his murder. They could have got details about murder weapons and more. This may have alerted the conspirers leading them to steal his brain. There are lots of possibilities that it is another mystery related to his murder.
However, in 2017 there is a report about the missing brain of JFK. Recent reports suggest that Jfk’s brain remains unknown today. Their investigation about the missing brain is terminated. Due to no evidence or lead, they are dropping the search.
The controversy about missing brain photo
In the 1988 report, there is a picture of JFK’s brain. There is a confusing question related to this photo of the brain. Plus, the experts say that the pictures of the president’s brain do not match the existing autopsy report. It is raising a few questions it is the brain of JFK or not? Some of the experts are sure that it is not the brain of the late president but someone else’s brain.
Furthermore, many predict that there is a huge mystery behind his assassination and the missing brain. Due to which people conclude these events as a cover-up of his murder. An FBI agent present at the murder scene of the president says about discrepancies. Let us see more about it.
The final statement of missing JFK’s brain
Missing, stolen or replaced people are curious to know the mystery behind the missing brain. Pictures from 1988 show a complete brain. However, due to two bullets on the skull only half of the brain of the president was found in the autopsy. O’Neill the FBI agent present at the murder scene talks about the discrepancies.
Further, he also admits that it is not the brain he saw at the murder scene. Photos of the brain look indifferent. Even though there are many theories about the stolen brain many believe Swanson’s theory. When JFK was alive he had multiple health issues. Due to his tiring survival, he took anxiety medications and sleeping pills.
Moreover, He was in danger due to a malfunctioning adrenal gland. Mysterious photos and missing brain still raises doubts. However, the officials are disclosing Kennedy’s files in 2022. Some of the updates about his missing brain will be released this year to the public.
Also read: Where is JFK’s brain: The Mystery Behind The Missing Brain of The President?