Where is JFK’s brain? Or how did it suddenly disappear is still a mystery to many around the world. John Kennedy is the 35th president of the United States. Since 1966 there are many rumours about the missing brain of the president from the archives. Who is behind the assassination of this honourable president is a doubt that many have. After the murder of President Kennedy, his body is at Arlington cemetery.
However, his brain has been missing for many years from the national archives. Many want to know the mystery behind his murder as well as the missing brain. Who did it is a question that many have?
Further, many believe that the brain is stolen to tamper with any possible evidence by the murderer. There are lots more intriguing details about this president’s death that remains undercover. However, to know what happened or where is JFK’s brain you need to read further.
The insider of John F. Kennedy’s autopsy report
The story about President Kennedy’s brain dates back to his burial day. Nov 22 1963 is the year Mr Kennedy was killed by high profile assassin. On his way to Dallas Texas, his enemies execute their plan to murder the President. The same night the Dc hospital did the autopsy of Kennedy.
The report shows that the president has two bullets on his body and the assassin shot him from above. This is a case of national security that immediately became big news worldwide. The FBI took over the case to identify the group behind this murder.
An FBI agent present at the autopsy of the president says due to the bullet the brain was severely injured to the point only some parts of the brain were left. However, the doctors thought to take half of the brain to preserve and study more about it.
Preserving the president’s brain after assassination

There are also pictures from congress to show how the bullet hit the president’s brain. Also, the brain of the president was secured in a stainless steel container with a lid that has a screw top. Later, the officials thought it is best to move this brain to national archives. The brain was safe in the secure room.
The former secretary Kennedy is Evelyn Lincoln who did paper works of the president and also checks out if the brain is safe. Even after this much security, the brain went missing at the end of 1966. The FBI investigation did fail to know the whereabouts of the brain. No one could find where the brain went and who did it.
What exactly happened to John F. Kennedy’s Brain?
Where is JFK’s brain remains a question? No one is sure where did the brain go. Over the decades there are many theories among the public. Many can come up with many suspects responsible for the missing brain. However, all this remains a mystery.
Several Conspiracy theorists offer a compelling solution to the public about the missing brain. The death of the President itself points to a few suspects who may have done this shooting. Many believe it is Lee Harvey who shot the president from the Texas book building.
As Mr Kennedy was shot twice from above the suspicion of Lee is strong. However, there is no actual evidence that shows that he is the assassin. Moreover, stealing the brain has more connection to the night of the murder.
The reason why the brain got stolen
The murderers may have stolen it as the brain may indicate some evidence against them. The doctors say that due to this reason the brain may have been stolen by the same group who killed the president. Some of the other theories suggest otherwise. Officials think that Kennedy’s brother Robert is the one behind this theft. The Swanson theory about this stolen brain seems true to many.
The theory suggests that Robert the brother of the president may also have the help of his assistant to steal the brain. However, Swanson is not blaming Robert for the murder of the brother. He says that Robert may have some genuine reason to steal the brain.
It is surely not a plan to tamper with evidence but Swanson’s theory may surprise you. He says Robert may have done this to stop people to know about Kennedy’s illnesses or his medical history. There are confidential details that the brother did not want the researchers to know. However, all this theory may seem real it is still important to know where is JFK’s brain.
The book that offers surprising details about the story

James Swanson is an expert in writing about assassination and crimes. This intriguing story of John F. Kennedy and his brain did not miss the attention of this author. He is the one who came up with theories that are compelling in this case. Further, in his writing, Swanson mentions many details about where is JFK’s brain.
As the 57th death anniversary of the president is approaching Swanson talks about this incident. Also, he says that rather than his assassination people to think about his legacy. He further adds that all that matters now is that America lost its president and a wife her beloved husband. Not remembering Lee Harvey or any other suspect on that day is the best way to respect the president.
The real truth behind the missing brain
The death of John F. Kennedy is surely a tragic event in history. However, leaving those theories and stories behind is better for everyone. However, the book of author Swanson contains many crucial details about the death of the president. The story revolves around President Kennedy in his last days and some of the suspects.
Also, this writer mentions the missing brain of Kennedy. This suggests that President Kennedy was buried without his brain. There are many conspiracies related to death. Moreover, the missing brain fuels more rumours about his death. He writes important details about this incident to put an end to all the false rumours and myths about this incident.
This book by Swanson offers genuine details about the president. Furthermore, as a president, Kennedy had many health issues. However, he never revealed it as it would stop him from presidential duties. Due to these reasons to protect the reputation of his brother Robert Kennedy may have stolen his brain.
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