Often men want to hide their sex hormone levels so they do not look like they are “on steroids” and threaten their perceived image of masculinity. Today, men are no longer committed to hiding their testosterone levels but are more concerned about the impact of high testosterone levels on long-term health.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a male sex hormone that helps control the development of male reproductive organs; it triggers and maintains secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair and body hair growth. Testosterone also stimulates the penis during arousal. In women, testosterone plays a role in promoting healthy libido and preventing osteoporosis. Vitality RX is a natural testosterone booster that is easy to use and will help you achieve maximum results in just days.
Essential Facts about Testosterone that Men Do Not Know
The human body has a sexual hormone called testosterone that controls many physical and psychological characteristics associated with being male. Despite its importance, relatively little is known about testosterone. Men have been historically hesitant to discuss testosterone, fearing men will be viewed as less-than-masculine.
1. Testosterone Levels Decrease with Age
Testosterone levels decrease naturally as men age. Testosterone levels peak during adolescence and then steadily decline, on average about one percent each year in older men. As testosterone levels drop, so do a man’s muscle mass and strength, se*xual function, and energy level—all of which impact quality of life.
2. Testosterone Levels Affect Men Differently
Each person’s testosterone level is unique to that person. Men with low testosterone levels need more hormones to achieve the same effect, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach to testosterone replacement therapy. Over time, a man may require lower doses of testosterone to maintain his blood levels.
3. Many Men are Not Aware Their Testosterone Levels are Lower Than Expected
The average man has a testosterone level of 55–60% lower than his body’s optimal level. It can range from 30% lower than usual to 150% lower. As a result, many men are not aware their testosterone levels are abnormal.
4. Testosterone Side Effects are Common, and Men are Usually Not Aware They are Present
Testosterone side effects include an increased risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, changes in libido (sex drive), prostate enlargement, and decreased sperm count in men with fertility problems.
5. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is Misunderstood by Men and the Public
More men die from heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease than prostate cancer. Men are much more likely to develop diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure than a thyroid disorder or breast cancer. Despite this fact, women have a better understanding of their need for hormone replacement therapy than men do of theirs. This lack of knowledge translates into a lack of action by many men.
6. Testosterone Side Effects are Not Always Man-Made but May be Due to Genetics
Some risk factors for prostate cancer—such as smoking, black race/ethnicity, and low socioeconomic status—are not entirely understood but may be linked to genetics. It is why we recommend that all men undergo a thorough evaluation by a healthcare provider who is sensitive to the dynamics of testosterone side effects and can explain them to the patient.
7. Testosterone Side Effects May Be Related to Poor Lifestyle Decisions
Poor food choices, lack of exercise, and stress related to work and family can lead to poor sleep, affecting testosterone production. Additionally, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol may significantly reduce testosterone levels.
8. Men Should Not Live in Fear of Testosterone Side Effects
The key to preventing testosterone side effects is avoiding poor lifestyle choices, including excessive amounts of alcohol, smoking, and taking medications that can impair the body’s testosterone levels. Furthermore, men should get routine blood tests every three to six months to monitor their hormone levels.
9. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Is Both Safe and Effective
Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment for the deficit or loss of testosterone production. It does not instantly make the patient feel like he is on steroids; it takes about four to six weeks for the effects of testosterone replacement therapy to be fully realized.
10. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Should Be Used Only with the Guidance of a Health Care Provider
Significant concerns regarding testosterone replacement therapy need to be discussed with a doctor. Two significant risks of testosterone replacement therapy are high blood pressure and heart attack. Some side effects may be related to hormone levels, which one could lower by using other medications.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, many men are not aware their testosterone levels are lower than expected the lack of knowledge, information, and awareness of how men can be mindful of the testosterone side effects.
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