In the anime world, there are a lot of anime demon girls (Anime Demon Girl). These characters have a large fan following. They appear in the anime as succubae, vampires, animals, and more. Sometimes the fans of the anime consider the demon girls as their Wifu. These girls look glamorous and also have a strong attitude. They are not afraid of the challenges. But these girls have more bad qualities than good. The demon girls have split personalities. Nobody can understand their nature. They are good in combat and use their dark powers to manipulate situations. Also, they use their beauty for wrong deeds.
One unique fact about the demon girls is that many of them are young. They may have lived for long periods but still, they do not age like humans. If you are interested to know about such anime demon girls then continue reading. The list is provided for you. Your favorite demon girl may be on the list.
1. Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

This demon girl is an Arrancar and wears a recognizable skeletal crown. She appears in the anime Bleach. But she is a mature woman with dark eyes and light blue hair. Also, she became famous when she was re-introduced as Tres Espada. Many fans consider her as their Wifu because she is logical.
She is even endearing behind her sophisticated exterior. Under her eyes, she has red face paint which makes her look demonic. Further her crude language is at variance with her childlike looks.
2. Rena Ryuugu Anime Demon Girl

Rena is a demon girl who appears in the Higurashi: When They Cry. She loves many cute things. She has a catchphrase in the anime which she uses whenever she sees cute things. This is the undemon-like nature of Rena. Many characters in the anime also make fun of her. Also, from time to time she self-doubts herself. This anime demon girl likes to play board games with her friends. But as she is a demon she kills people and when doing this she eats meat cleavers.
3. Miia

This demon girl is one of the characters in Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou. She is a half-human and half-snake. She is a short-tempered demon as she gets provoked easily. Further, she falls in love with a boy named Kimihito. She meets him through a cultural exchange program.
When humans and non-humans meet in school a new law is passed that makes inter-species sexual acts illegal. But this leads to a lot of interesting situations in the school. This law interrupts Miia’s romance with Kimihito.
4. Ai Enma

She is a dangerous demon girl from Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl). She works for a website from hell. When a person enters the name of the people they hate in the website then the demons like Ai Enma come to take them to hell. Ai is ruthless than the rest of her workers. Without the least pity for the people, she carries them to hell where they will be stuck forever.
There is no emotion on her face which makes her look scary. Also, she tries to bring justice to the victims who get tortured by their enemies. She makes it her job to bring them to hell.
5. Kagura Anime Demon Girl

Kagura is a demon girl from InuYasha. She was created from the body of her father. So she is his first reincarnation in the anime. This anime demon girl has power over the wind and the dead. She tries to end the life of the man who used her. In this way, she has a revengeful nature.
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6. Q

She is a demon girl who appears in the C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control. This anime revolves around the theme of capitalism. The characters in the anime fight with the assets. But the newcomers’ have to fight with the assets which are actually demon-like creatures.
Q is one of the demons with the Kuudere personality. Also, she has the power to manipulate time and space for a cost. That is why she is the favorite of many characters.
7. Clare Anime Demon Girl

She is one of the Claymores in the anime. They hunt Yoma, which are flesh-eating monsters. Clare is a quarter Yoma that gives her the power to fight against the Yoma. She tries to retain her humanity without letting the Yoma qualities overtake her. So she has a lot of strength and determination. This anime demon girl has pale blonde hair and a strong physique. Also, her demon stare is piercing.
8. Seras

She is a demon girl from the Hellsing anime series. Her profession is vampire policewoman. When she was about to die in her human life, Alucard the immortal vampire saves her and hires her as his minion. In the beginning, she doesn’t like her vampire form but she learns to accept it. Then with her talents, she exceeds the expectations of Alucard. Further, she is one of the popular demon girls in the anime universe.
9. Miki Kuroda

She is one of the supporting characters in Devilman Crybaby. At first, she is a human but she changes into a Devilman. She is a girl of average height. In the series, she is a kind-hearted girl but she becomes jealous of the character Miki who has the same name as her. Also, she develops sexual feelings for Akira. Then after becoming a Devilman Miki becomes arrogant and brash. Her goodness gets lost in the process.
10. Zero Two
She is a girl demon who appears in the anime Darling in the FranXX. As she is a demon she has two little red horns. Also, she has the nickname ‘Teammate Killer’. There is a myth about her in the series that states when a person flies with her three times, they will be dead. She is a tough girl to handle because she is arrogant, assertive, and has a great deal of pride.
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11. Hildegard

She is a she-devil from the anime series Beelzebub. Hildegard has split personalities because towards baby Beel she is caring and motherly. But with the others, she is cold and rude. Also, she is very skilled at manipulating situations. One unique fact about her is that she loves spicy food.
12. Touka Kirishima

This character is a ghoul who disguises herself as a human. She works at the café to serve the customers who are ghouls. As she has experienced many hardships in life, she knows how to handle many situations on her own. She is a good anime devil girl because she strives to maintain peace between humans and ghouls.
13. Nezuko Kamado

She is the sister of Tanjirou Kamado from the anime series Kimetsu no Yaiba. Her brother finds her transformed into a demon after killing their parents. This is one of the popular anime because of its excellent plotline. Nezuko still retains some aspects of her humanity because of her brother. But the demon inside her tries to take possession of her from time to time.
14. Slan

This demon girl is the only female member of illusive Godhand. Slan is the princess of the Uterine Sea. She is attractive but other than this there is nothing good about her. In every angle, she is a demon because she likes to cause trouble. Also, she has a sadistic nature that makes her a dangerous demon.
15. Celty Sturluson

She is a demon from Durarara!! anime. According to the plot of the anime, she is searching for her missing head. Further, she is a headless rider who uses a motorbike instead of a horse. Her nature is subdued but sometimes she also gets energetic and fun.
These are the 15 anime demon girls you can enjoy watching in the anime series. Some are good but most of the demon girls are out to do evil deeds. Their attitude and their way of life have made many people choose them as their Wifu.
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