The Paul walker crash is one of the shocking accidents of the decade. The star just 40 years of age passed away due to a tragic car crash in California on 2013. This incident happens when he is a part of a famous movie. Plus, the fast and furious star was excited to perform in the 6th part of the film. However, two days after the film shooting the actor met with a crash. His interest in sports cars is similar to his role in fast and furious that is Brian O Conner. In real life, he loved the octane cars. When leaving for one of the charity events Paul walker’s crash happened.
When driving the Porsche he lost control, hit the curb and the vehicle immediately starts to burst into flames.
Further, the people who witness the crash say that it is one of the most tragic crashes in Hollywood history. People did everything also using the fire extinguisher to put off the fire. Paul walker was trapped inside the car and it was too late for anyone to save him as he passed away in the vehicle. Further, the Paul Walker crash was flashed all over the news. It remains shocking news for all of his fans over the world.
The Fast and Furious fame Paul Walker

Born in the year 1973 September Paul William Walker IV is from Glendale California. His mother Cheryl walker is a model by profession. Also, his father is a boxer who is Paul William Walker III. After Cheryl’s marriage to Paul III, they give birth to five children together. Paul is the eldest child of the couple who did have an interest in an entertainment career from a young age.
At the age of two, Paul Walker did his first AD for pampers. Further, during their high school days, he took several auditions for TV shows. Highway to heaven is a show in which Paul did a minor role. In 1991 he completes his graduation from the Village Christian Sun Valley School. The films that introduce him to Hollywood are Varsity blues and Pleasantville.
In 2001 he receives his breakthrough role in Fast and Furious as an undercover cop. The film features the story of illegal racing. Throughout this film, he and his co-star Vin diesel share a warm friendship. In the meantime, from the earnings of this film Paul walker did some philanthropic work. Due to Paul walker’s crash, his family and friends from the film industry experienced immense loss. They find it tough to cope with the death of the actor.
The full picture of Paul Walker’s crash

In November 2013 Paul walker thought of spending his day with his family. His mother Cheryl Crabtree Walker and daughter Meadow Rain Walker were looking forward to spend Christmas with him. However, Paul did remember about a charity he needs to attend that day. Soon after a reminder from a friend he left for the charity event. It was about 3.30 pm that day when Rodas and Paul decide to take their Porsche for a ride.
In Valencia, there is a place to test cars where they took off for a spin test. The 38-year-old actor and the driver went at the speed of 100 when this tragic crash took place. In just fraction of a second, the car losses control hit a tree and lamp post. After the Paul walker crash, the Porsche split in half and starts to burn. The nearby passengers say that the crash was horrific. Bushes of fire come out of the car and two passengers are still struck. The son of Rodas arrives at the scene and is complete in shock to see the crash. People around did everything to put off the flame.
However, the fire being immense did not stop. The public could sense that the passenger inside the car is burning but they have no option but to witness the scene. When the help arrived it was too late to even save the body of Paul walker. Within minutes of the Paul walker crash, his body was completely burned by the flame. The experts did identify his body at last but only with his dental records.
The official cause of death of Paul walker
The Paul walker crash needed a proper investigation by the police. After this incident was public there are several rumours about the incident. Some even blame the car company to have manufacturing cars with less safety. The car company gave heated replies to the public about how safe their car features are.
Also, they blamed Paul walker to have customized some of the car features. However, the official police report confirms that the Paul walker crash’s major reason was the speed. The report says that the car was going on 93 miles per hour speed during the crash. Later another proper report came that the car was travelling at 100 miles speed at that time.
Further, the driver for some reason loses control and the car spins at 100 miles speed and hits the curb harshly. First, the car hit a tree on the curb and later a lamp post. After a harsh hit, there was fire all over the place. Both Paul and Rodas did not have any chance to escape. In just minutes lives passed away in the vehicle.
According to a medical report, Paul walker dies due to thermal injury and trauma. Also, Rodas dies due to traumatic injury. The report confirms that the vehicle lost control, not due to the driver. There are no drug or alcohol signs on both of their bodies.
In 2015, Meadow the daughter of Paul files a lawsuit against Porsche. She blames that it is because of the poor design of the Porsche that took the life of her father. They also said that Porsche Carrere is a car that is dangerous and not suitable for roads. The worn tires and dangerous speed limits are some of the accusations about the Porsche. Now the lawsuit by Meadow walker is settled.
Paul walker’s family and his fans are still mourning his tragic death. There are several tributes to Paul walker on social media after his death. He is still remembered for his works all over the world.
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